Professional Credits
2010 Honored as "Artist of the Year" at The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake Gala
2007 -2014 Board Member; The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake
2007-2011 Chairman for TAACCL Art Auction 2011 Teacher of the Year, Clear Springs High School
2007 - 2012 Clear Springs High School Lead Art Instructor
2007 Educator of the Year for Performing and Visual, Clear Lake High School
2004 Art Teacher of the Year/ Culture Shapers
2003 Author and Committee Head for “Painting an Empty Sky” Columbia Memorial
2003-07 Advanced Placement Studio Art Reader
2001 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Award, National Museum of Art in Washington D.C.
1999-2002 Art Columnist for the Bay Runner Magazine
1999-2007 Lead Art Instructor, Clear Lake High School
1980-Present Art Instructor, Alfred C. Glassell Jr. Museum School of Art
1998 Who, Who's of the Southwest
1995- 1997 Exhibition Chairman for Artists Unlimited
1985-1986 Committee Member for the Texas Sesquicentennial Exhibition
1983-1987 Artist Director, Art League of Houston
1984-1985 Chairman of the Board of Artists Directors, Art League of Houston
1979-1989 Art Instructor, James Madison High School
1982-1989 Art Dept. Head, James Madison High School
1982-1983 President, Houston Art Education Association
1982 Convention Chairperson, Texas Art Education Association
1982 City Chairperson, Youth Art Month, Houston
1981-1982 Program Chairperson, Houston Art Education Association
1980-1981 Director- Open Studio Gallery
2022 Honorable Mention Texas City Art Competition
2nd Place Painting, Juried Show at the Galveston Art League 2016
"Fall Juried Show" Galveston Art League "Best of Show and Honorable Mention"
2nd Place Sculpture, Galveston Art League Fall Open Competition Honorable Mention, Texas City Art Competition 1st Place Sculpture Galveston Art League, Winter Show 2014
1st Place Sculpture Galveston Art League, Spring Show 2nd Place 2-Dimensional & Honorable Mention 3-Dimensional, Galveston Art League Fall Show 2013
Juried TAACCL Masterpiece by Mail Art Competition 2011
Juried: The Baytown Art League Membership Show Juried : the Galveston Art League Membership Show
Juror’s Choice Award @ “The Open Door Series “Winter Juried Exhibition TAACCL 2009
Juror's Choice Award "Summer Show" TAACCL
1st Place Mail Art @ San Jacinto College
2006 Juried The Arts Alliance Center of Clear Lake Membership Show
4th Place in TAACCL Figurative Show
2004 Commission for Moody National Bank.
2003 Commission for Moody National Bank.
Juried the 20th National Society of Artists
2001 National Award, The Lab School of Washington & Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
2000 Honorable Mention, Texas City 1st National Art Competition
Juried the 26th Annual Art League Show in Galveston
1999 2nd Place Cash Award 25th Annual Art League Show, Galveston
Commission Grand Cayman Island Museum
1998 First Place Cash Award, Bay Area Artists Colony Art Alliance
Awards Travel Grant / M.F.A. Houston International Fine Art College, Miami College
1997 Third Place Artists Unlimited Competition, Amaco Bldg. Clear Lake
Commission The Arts Alliance of Clear Lake Juried the 22nd Annual Art League Competition in Galveston
Commission, Moody Garden Discovery Center
1996 Cash Award Winner, Artists Unlimited, Juried Competition
1995 Commission, Museum of Science and History, Corpus Christi
1994 Commission, Museum of the Gulf Coast
Honorable Mention, The Electronic Gallery, NAEA Membership
1993 Commission, Brazoria Historical Museum
1991Commission Turks-Caicos Museum
Travel Grant to Chicago, The Museum of Fine Arts/ Houston
Cash Merit Award, National Art Education Association
1990 Cash Merit Award, Texas Art Education Association , Fort Worth
Commission, Cayman Islands.
1989 Cash Merit Award, National Art Education Association Art Competition, Washington D.C. First Place- $600 Cash Award, Pasadena Art League
First Place- $750 Cash Award, & Honorable Mention, Baytown 23rd Annual Art Competition.
Cash Merit Award, Texas Art Education Association, San Antonio, Texas.
1988 Cash Merit Award, Texas Art Education Association, Electronic Gallery, Dallas, Texas.
Cash Merit Award, Art League of Houston, Membership Show
1987 First Place - 3-D "Reflections" H.A.E.A. Art Competition, Art Institute of Houston
Merit Award, T.A.E.A., Art Competition,
Cash Merit Award, National Art Education Association Art Competition, Boston, Mass.
Cash Merit Award, Baytown 21st Annual Art Competition
1986 Certificate of Excellence, International Art Competition, New York, Metro Gallery, Green
Street Gallery, N.Y.C.
Purchase Award & Honorable Mention, Baytown 20th Annual Art Competition Merit Award, T.A.E.A. Electronic Gallery, Corpus Christi
1985 Certificate of Recognition in Honor of The First United States International Fine Art
Competition, Sec. of State, Florida, George Firestone.
Travel Grant to New York and Washington D.C. from the Museum of Fine Arts/Houston.
1984 Best of Show, H.A.E.A. Exhibition, The Art Institute of Houston.
1983 Honorable Mention, Pasadena Art League
1982 Honorable Mention, The Art League Of Houston
Second Place, Houston Art Education Association Exhibition
1981 Purchase Award, Baytown 15th Annual Art Exhibition
1980 Proclamation from Houston's Mayor McConn for The Youth Art Month Activities.
1970 First Place in Drawing, Oil Painting and Sculpture
Second Place in Watercolor, Printmaking and Sculpture, Frankfurt Germany